2019 Novel Coronavirus...2019-nCoV...Coronavirus...COVID-19...Coro...Rona

The whole world, well, except for Antartica (which, by the way, is very strange) is in the grips of an all out offensive against a very deadly virus called the Coronavirus (COVID-19)πŸ’€.

Offensive being stay at home and do nothing.

The Coronavirus was apparently, either transmitted to a human by a bat Image result for Bat or a pangolin Image result for pangolin at a live animal and seafood market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. Or if you believe in conspiracy theories it was bio-engineered by a super power (take your pick).

Whichever one it is, this little monster is a menace. It is a menace because as far as Coronaviruses go, this is a novel virus that has not been seen before and all the scientists in the world are scrambling to figure it out.

There have been so many conflicting stories about its origins, how it is transmitted, its incubation period, who is easily susceptible and while the scientists are scrambling to create a vaccine, this thing is killing mostly the elderly and infirmed, and people with underlying illnesses.

The story is that most people recover fully but what happens to the recovered person and their houseguest, Mr. COVID? Is the virus a permanent visitor who lays dormant and revisits when it feels like? Do the antibodies created protect against future infections?

When this started, Donald Trump called the disease a hoax, there were people all over social media touting sensationalism and calling out other viruses that were similar, the Flu. The problem is, this chinch does more than cause fevers and aches and pains, it grabs hold of ones lungs and puts its victim in full on pneumonia with a side of diarrhea. Why so rude???

There was also talk that the virus could not survive in hot climates, despite the fact that Australia and Iran are being ravaged by this monster. Nigerians were taking the piss because another fun rumour was that the virus did not affect black people.

As it stands, this virus is not very concerned about who you are, Prince Charles, Tom Hanks, Idris Elba, Rand Paul or Atiku's son; that virus will visit you.

So what to do?

The one thing we are sure of is that the virus hides, it may not show up when initially tested, it also does not cause symptoms in everybody it invades. So, one may be asymptomatic and yet pass on the virus to others. An infected person can spread this nuisance through saliva droplets or discharges from their nostrils when they cough or sneeze; so please cover your damn orifices!!! Hand to face is so not a good idea!!! Wash your hands like your life depends on it and stop touching your face, if you can't get to a tap, keep some hand sani handy!

About that offensive, the world is practicing Social Distancing; remember that phrase, it may show up on some College Course examination.

Travel bans have been imposed. Certain areas have been asked to keep the milling around to groups of less that 50. Some countries have imposed full on curfews, as in the case of Italy were the virus is intent on wiping out a whole generation of Baby Boomers and Silent Generations.

In the States, the Gen Z's and Millis are spring breaking at the beaches in Florida and California; but the jokes on them because they make up a large percentage of hospitalizations here in the US.

My B-Diddy has been working from home for the past few weeks now and I love it...I get to beat him at Trouble and Monopoly πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›and we just completed this complicated AF ombre jigsaw puzzle.No photo description available.

Is that a bright side to this kerfuffle, is this virus forcing people to spend time with loved ones? Is it elevating the status of teachers and delivery drivers?

I don't know but I never thought I would experience anything like this in my lifetime after reading about the Passover in the bible, and the Black Death and The Spanish Flu.

What I do know is that I'm socially distancing and hoping that everyone else is doing the same. My prayer is that people start taking this mess seriously and do their part in stamping out this menace.

Stay safe y'all πŸ’“!

2020 did not come here to play!

Coronavirus Pandemic_World Stats


  1. Anonymous, he called the virus, "the Democrats' new hoax", thereby down playing the severity of the situation.

    He does not have to take the bait every time. He was praising himself for taking aggressive action, and yet the US ranks #6 in the world with the most deaths and #1 in the world with the most new cases.

  2. Mrs. S.,

    Trump actually described Democratic complaints about his handling of the virus threat as “their new hoax.” The virus is not a hoax... the Democrat complaints/criticisms, etc. of Trump is the hoax.

    Watch the videos yourself. Stop believing the out-of-context clips you might see on MSNBC or CNN.

    1. Anonymous, thank you for your comments.

      The fact of the matter is that Trump downplayed the seriousness of the contagion. His description of the democratic complaints, whether taken out-of-context or not, is him taking the bait and failing to ascend.

      But this post is not about Trump. This has nothing to do with clips. This has to do with a mass of people who need to make adjustments for the greater good.

      The US, if care is not taken, is on course to surpassing the death toll in Italy.

  3. Just trying to help. Remember--you brought up Trump first, not me. If you mention Trump, try to represent him fairly. Don't be like the rest of the media. If you bear false witness against Trump, some people won't take the rest of your posts seriously.

    1. I appreciate the feedback...do subscribe and come back for more...stay safe!

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