Independent Woman

"Just because she is independent doesn't mean you should stop being a man!" 

That was one of my Facebook status updates exactly three years ago; I love how Facebook reminds you of your words or the space you were in at a certain moment in time. It is actually quite amusing when I read some of the things I've written or said, when Facebook Liveing.

When I wrote that post I was reflecting on how much dating had changed.

Men were not asking women out on dates, they just assumed it was a given; and when they did there was never an offer to pick the woman up, it was always, meet me there. The men were not picking up the tab, it was always going Dutch, not even offering to split the tab.

I had this one guy who asked me out on a date, this guy was friends with one of my neighbours. He apparently was a professor at the state university and seemed bright. He told me to meet him at a restaurant but on the evening of the date he calls and says he wanted to pick me up because he decided he want to go to a different restaurant.

Long story short, he picked me up, we ended up driving around trying to decide on where to go, then, when we got there, he attempted to order for me…but I shook my head and gave him a confused look. I mean by this time, I had doubts about his level of intelligence…When the server placed the bill on his side of the table, he moved it to the middle, between us, that was H I L A R I O U S!!!

I have stories, like this, for days... so it was a welcome surprise to meet a wonderful man, who made the conscious effort to inquire about my preferences. 

My B-Diddy was respectful of my time, he showed up with flowers; how did he know I loved flowers? He did not attempt to impose his manly ways but he opens doors, pulls out seats and pays the tab.

My mother would have loved him!


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